League fixtures for 2012. First round starts on Sunday 1st April. The first round of the championship will take place in August.

Round 1
An Charraig Mhor v Moortown
Coalisland v Clonoe
Dromore v Edendork
Eglish v Omagh
Greencastle v Derrylaughlan
Kildress v Donaghmore
Killyclogher v Errigal Ciaran
Trillick v Ardboe

Round 2
Ardboe v Dromore
Coalisland v Killyclogher
Derrylaughlan v An Charraig Mhor
Donaghmore v Clonoe
Eglish v Trilick
Errigal Ciaran v Kildress
Moortown v Greencastle
Omagh v Edendork

Round 3
An Charraig Mhor v Errigal Ciaran
Ardboe v Greencastle
Clonoe v Kildress
Derrylaughlan v Eglish
Dromore v Donaghmore
Edendork v Killyclogher
Moortown v Trilick
Omagh v Coalisland

Round 4
Clonoe v Omagh
Donaghmore v Errigal Ciaran
Dromore v An Charraig Mhor
Edendork v Derrylaughlan
Eglish v Moortown
Kildress v Ardboe
Killyclogher v Greencastle
Trilick v Coalisland

Round 5
Ardboe v Eglish
Clonoe v Killyclogher
Coalisland v Dromore
Errigal Ciaran v Edendork
Greencastle v Donaghmore
Moortown v Kildress
Omagh v An Charraig Mhor
Trilick v Derrylaughlan

Round 6
An Charraig Mhor v Edendork
Ardboe v Clonoe
Derrylaughlan v Killyclogher
Donaghmore v Omagh
Eglish v Dromore
Errigal Ciaran v Moortown
Greencastle v Coalisland
Trilick v Kildress

Round 7
Coalisland v Derrylaughlan
Donaghmore v Eglish
Dromore v Greencastle
Edendork v Clonoe
Kildress v An Charraig Mhor
Killyclogher v Omagh
Moortown v Ardboe
Trilick v Errigal Ciaran

Round 8
An Charraig Mhor v Greencastle
Clonoe v Dromore
Edendork v Coalisland
Errigal Ciaran v Eglish
Kildress v Derrylaughlan
Killyclogher v Ardboe
Moortown v Donaghmore
Omagh v Trilick

Round 9
Ardboe v Edendork
Coalisland v Donaghmore
Derrylaughlan v Dromore
Eglish v An Charraig Mhor
Errigal Ciaran v Clonoe
Greencastle v Trilick
Kildress v Killyclogher
Omagh v Moortown

Round 10*
An Charraig Mhor v Coalisland
Derrylaughlan v Moortown
Donaghmore v Killyclogher
Dromore v Errigal Ciaran
Edendork v Kildress
Eglish v Greencastle
Omagh v Ardboe
Trilick v Clonoe

Round 11
Clonoe v Eglish
Derrylaughlan v Ardboe
Donaghmore v Edendork
Dromore v Trilick
Greencastle v Errigal Ciaran
Kildress v Omagh
Killyclogher v An Charraig Mhor
Moortown v Coalisland

Round 12*
Ardboe v An Charraig Mhor
Clonoe v Derrylaughlan
Coalisland v Errigal Ciaran
Edendork v Greencastle
Eglish v Kildress
Killyclogher v Moortown
Omagh v Dromore

Trilick v Donaghmore

Round 13 (Starred if in backdoor)
An Charraig Mhor v Donaghmore
Coalisland v Kildress
Dromore v Moortown
Edendork v Trilick
Errigal Ciaran v Ardboe
Greencastle v Clonoe
Killyclogher v Eglish
Omagh v Derrylaughlan

Round 14 *
An Charraig Mhor v Trilick
Ardboe v Coalisland
Clonoe v Moortown
Donaghmore v Derrylaughlan
Eglish v Edendork
Errigal Ciaran v Omagh
Greencastle v Kildress
Killyclogher v Dromore

Round 15
An Charraig Mhor v Clonoe
Ardboe v Donaghmore
Coalisland v Eglish
Derrylaughlan v Errigal Ciaran
Kildress v Dromore
Moortown v Edendork
Omagh v Greencastle
Trilick v Killyclogher

By ciaranhurl Thu 8th Mar