Ardboe GFC is in the process of a consultation phase of a five year development plan for the future direction of the club. This is an important plan for us as we hope to develop the club to meet future needs.
As part of this process, we are holding a consultation workshop on Monday 25th November 2013 at 7.30pm in the Primary School. This meeting is for all our members, players, officers, sponsors, parents and other interested community members.
The purpose of this workshop is to give everyone in our community the opportunity to have their say in our future. This will be a workshop based event and will take no longer than two hours. Those present will discuss various topics in small groups, including:
1. Coaching and games development
2. Club structures and administration
3. Finance and fundraising
4. Communication and PR
5. Facilities development
Everyone present will have an opportunity to express their views and the event will be assisted by two facilitators appointed by the County Board.
Your attendance at this important event for our Club is greatly appreciated and we would also ask you to encourage others to attend.