To sign up for Cairde Ard Bó through direct debit (direct payment from your bank account) we have now set up this that it can be done online through Go Cardless!
This takes 2 minutes to complete, and first payment will be taken up to 1 week after signing up, and then will continue on so you do not have to sign up again. You can sign up for a yearly payment or monthly installments for your membership.
If you are a new member, our club registrar will contact you in order to get your details to get you and family registered on the official GAA registration system.
Click on links below for your chosen option:
Single (1 adult)
Monthly (£15 per month)
Yearly (£180 one off)
Couple (2 adults)
Monthly (£16.67 per month)
Yearly (£200 one off)
Family (2 adults and children up to 18 years old)
Monthly (£20 per month)
Yearly (£240 one off)